
Weapons Laws and Regulations




Local Laws and Regulations

 Current state legislations and weapons acts for each Australian state so you can determine whether your item/s are legal in your state. We have also highlighted some items we have determined to have restrictions. Whilst we regularly check on current laws and regulations, these are complex and subject to change. Any summary or information below will never serve as legal advice in any way.


Australian Capital Territory:

ACT Weapons Act

ACT Prohibited Weapons List

*Must be 18+ Years Old to purchase Slingshots*


New South Wales:

NSW Weapons Act

NSW Prohibited Weapons List

*NSW Zombie Knife Legislation (Began 28th Feb 2019)*

*Commercially Made Slingshots are Prohibited (Pocket Shot Slingshots an exception as do not use a 'Y' Frame)*

*Must be 18+ Years Old to purchase Knives, we will verify before sending*


Northern Territory:

NT Weapons Act

NT Prohibited Weapons List



QLD Weapons Act

QLD Prohibited Weapons List

****Sept 1 2024 QLD introduced new weapons laws - check the new QLD knife laws out here

*Must be 18+ Years Old to purchase Knives, we will verify before sending*


South Australia:

SA Weapons Act

SA Prohibited Weapons List

*Slingshots are considered a Dangerous Article, so an Exemption must be presented*



TAS Weapons Act

TAS Prohibited Weapons List

TAS Imitation Firearms

*Slingshots are legal as long as they are used on Private Property and you confirm this with Customs*



VIC Weapons Act

VIC Prohibited Weapons List

*Commercially Made Slingshots are considered prohibited weapons*

*Must be 18+ Years Old to purchase Knives, we will verify before sending*


Western Australia:

WA Weapons Act

WA Prohibited Weapons List

*Must be 18+ Years Old to purchase Knives, we will verify before sending*


New Zealand:

NZ Weapons Act 

NZ Customs Prohibitions & Restrictions

*Throwing Knives, Daggers & Double Edged Knives are Prohibited*

*Rifle Scopes and Slings are classed as firearm parts, therefore requiring a permit to import*

Changes to the Arms Act

NZ Permits to Import