Go Girl

GoGirl FUD Travel Coolie

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GoGirl FUD Travel Coolie

RRP: $12.90
(You save $2.00 (16%))
  • Availability: Usually posted within 1 business day - Pickup options available
  • Shipping: Calculated at Checkout
  • Colour: Black
  • Colour: Pink
Availability: Usually posted within 1 business day - Pickup options available
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The Travel Coolie is the simpler way to store your GoGirl! Just fold your GoGirl in half and insert into this handy travel purse. Makes carrying in a pocket easier than before, and is great for fishing and camping.


  • Black Purse and Pink Logo
  • Patented Design
  • Made in the USA
  • Dimensions: 95mm x 105mm

What is a GoGirl?

Simply put, GoGirl is the way to stand up to crowded, disgusting, distant or non-existent bathrooms. It’s also referred to as an FUD (female urination device) or STP (Stand To Pee), and allows you to urinate while standing up. No more crouching over or trying to cover up an unsanitary public toilet.

It’s neat! It’s discreet! It’s hygienic!

GoGirl is easy to use. Just lower your panties, and put GoGirl against your body, forming a seal. Aim and, well, pee. Pretty simple, huh? GoGirl fits easily in you purse, pocket, or glove compartment. It’s a must for travel and sports, and it’s great for everyday use too.

While the concept may be new to you, European women have used female urination devices for years. GoGirl’s not the first device of its kind, but try it and we think you’ll agree its easily the best. Only GoGirl is made with flexible, medical grade silicone! Dispose of it after use, or clean and reuse as you like (Urine is sterile, but the product can come into contact with contaminates during use, so take precautions when cleaning).

Our patented splash guard eliminates messing and spilling. Once you practice a time or two, using a GoGirl is going to feel like second nature.

Who Needs It?

If you camp, you’ll love GoGirl. If you ski, you’ll love GoGirl. If you boat, you’ll love GoGirl. If you travel, you’ll love GoGirl. If you just want to avoid the germs you find in nasty public toilets, you’ll love GoGirl. GoGirl is for active women of all types and ages.

Lifestyles That Can Benefit from GoGirl

There is a large variety of different women who can use GoGirls to make life that little bit easier;

  • Bikers
  • Boaters
  • Brides
  • Business Women
  • Campers
  • Climbers
  • Concert Goers
  • Hikers
  • Hunters
  • Marathon Runners
  • Medical Patients
  • Skiers

Outdoors Girl

Sick of bush-bashing off the track to find a quiet spot, or having to come off the ski slopes because you need to pee? Just find the nearest tree, and you can keep your ski pants and backpack strapped on whilst you do it! Great for camping, national park toilets, and sports grounds as well.

Party and Festival Girl

The toilets look find now, but just wait a few hours! Contorting in high heels over a disgusting toilet after a glass (or three!) is a feat in itself. Just use your GoGirl the pop it back in your handbag. Easy! And what about Festivals, Band Days, Concerts… and the dreaded Portaloos!! Need we say any more?!

Traveller Girl

When you travel you never know what you will come across, especially when it comes to toilets. You may find anything from a hole in the ground to no toilet facilities at all. With GoGirl the World is your toilet!

Elderly Women or Women with Knee and Hip Pain

Due to knee or hip problems, many women have difficulties squatting and rising on the toilet. The GoGirl is the perfect aid for the elderly, heavily pregnant, post-surgery, and any other sort of mobility impairment.

Road Trip Girl

Don’t leave home without it! This is a must for every girl’s glove compartment! Whether you’re heading across town or across the country, confidence is knowing you have your GoGirl.

Mothers of Girls

All mothers worry about germs, and public toilets are full of them. With GoGirl you know that you and your daughter can pee hygienically, whether it’s at the play park or the shopping mall.
